But if thought out in a cool way and right solutions found it is a money spinner by making Organic Fertilizer from it by using right Biomass Drier Systems and you can sell it easily all over the world, either in your local markets or if you produce medium quantities then in your nearest Metropolitan city, whichever country your are in. BUT IF PRODUCT IN VERY LARGE SCALE YOU CAN EASILY SELL IT IN EXPORT MARKET AS THERE IS HUGE DEMAND ALL OVER THE WORLD, SINCE IT ORGANIC FERTILIZER WITH SUPERB RESULTS. We offer very unique and very sophisticated CHICKEN LITTER BIOMASS PELLET MAKING MACHINE OR IF YOU WANT CHICKEN LITTER DRIER MACHINE THAT TURNS IT INTO FERTILIZER. |
PLAN YOU SYSTEMYou may be having a Chicken Farm or you may be a Poultry consultant having access to many Chicken Farms. Just plan the system that you want and we can customize the system for your farms.
You may have Chicken farms as small as 2000 chicken or as large as 200,000 on any given time, you can take benefit of this system instead of spending money on disposal/throwing of the Chicken litter to a far off place, PLAN YOUR REQUIREMENT & DREAM TO EARN. Believe it or not, it possible to easily start earning from Chicken litter that you spend money or throwing it every 7 or 15 days. |
CONSULT US TO BUILDOnce you plan and decide tht you want to earn money from the Chicken Litter waste instead of worrying about it or spending money on throwing or disposing it.
Our experts will work on with you from basically talking to your for first time seeing some videos of what your present system it and what are the temperature situations of your location/town/country. The system would be designed in most professional way and also installed by our trained professionals. |
CUSTOMIZED SYSTEMFinal Step in your dream to make it a money earning system from Chicken litter, is to CUSTOMIZE THE SYSTEM FOR YOU.
Whichever the country, we customize the system for you, even if in your areas there is no regular electricity or your power costs are high 9as in some Caribbean countries the power cost is as hgh as $0.43/ KwHr, we organize to over come that problem as well. |